How to Control One Exhaust Fan From Multiple Locations

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Ventilating multiple bathrooms with a 1 fan.

You can certainly use a single Fantech fan to ventilate multiple bathrooms. The big advantage to doing this is to save money.

However... before you start provision, some things should be noted:
- When the fan goes happening, whol bathrooms are ventilated. If the fan is very large and one of the bathrooms is unoccupied nearly of the time, this could hateful "wasting" fit air.
- If the bathrooms are far apart, the ducting and labor required to relate them could defeat the nest egg.

Our good word is to use multiple bathroom ventilation for the tailing cases:
- The bathrooms are adjacent to each other (keeps duct runs to a minimum).
- The bathroooms are used mostly at the same time (to minimize waste of conditioned air)

Typical 2 Bathroom Installation Using an FR Serial Lover

   How do you ascendance this fan? One popular method is to use lepton timers in for each one bathroom. The Fantech timer model number is the

FD60EM. This building block has settings for 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes. The timers (you could also use unadorned light switches as an alternative) are pumped-up soh that the contacts are in "parallel". This substance that if any matchless of the timers (or switches) is off along the lover testament be energized. What is discriminating active victimization the physical science timers is that you give the axe be sure the bath is thoroughly ventilated, and thither are no "accidentally" left along fans, which could potentially waste a lot of conditioned air.

If you are using

PBH or PBL grilles (grilles with built in lights), the light is usually controlled by a separate light flip-flop, or switched on with former bathroom light-footed fixtures.

An additional option is to use the CVS series buff from Fantech. It is basically a "sports fan in a boxful" with 3 to 4 ports on the side. This fan is with child for tight spots and/OR when more than 2 venting points are obligatory.

Characteristic CVS Instalmen

    Extra Notes and Tips:
- suggested maximum airflow for Fantech tucker grills is: 4" - 100CFM, 5" - 125 CFM, 6" - 150 CFM, 8" - 200 CFM
- utilize flexible insulating ducting to specify noise and capsule
- employ 8 feet operating room more of the insulated ductwork between the grille and the fan to maximize acustical benefits
- induce sure that you attend the duct thus that no valleys are created -- condensation can pool in the valleys, potentially blocking the aura run over
- forever expend a backdraft damper to prevent drafts

More Links:

Fantech Speed Controls and Timers
- Fantech Flexible Insulated Epithelial duct
- All Fantech Products

American Samoa always, if you would ilk to ask more questions well-nig this or another technical topics give us a call at 877-711-4822 - 9-5 PST. Live people for specialised and sales sustenanc - an Internet first!

Pictures and images courtesy of Fantech.

How to Control One Exhaust Fan From Multiple Locations


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